A new foster care call experience
Anthem: Smarthelp benefits project (2022)
SmartHelp is a platform for associates leveraging data democracy, cognitive insights and Innovative AI/ML enabling best-in-class constituent experience.
Why redesign?
Anthem is updating the Smarthelp portal, which will let foster care admin to register and help desk agents retrieve member details and help users on resolving access issues in the foster care application. The rationale for the project included:
- Review and edit details for all member operations within the app
My role
I was the only ux designer. Worked with the project manager and development team. I focused on:
- Low- and high-fidelity wireframes
- Design mock-ups
- Prototyping
Problems that needed to be solved
- Organizing foster care report information by role access, admin and help desk agents
- Help Admin and help desk agents retrieve audit details in seconds
Internal web application
Before laying out my design mock-ups, I started sketching out my ideas on paper for the benefit reports project.
Design mock-ups
After putting down my ideas on paper, I moved to creating high-fidelity mock-ups.
Search screen - Caseworker Id
Search screen - Email Id
Search screen - Full Name
Search result screen
User profile screen - Active status
User profile screen - Member Security dropdown options
User profile screen - Active status note pop-up
User profile screen - Disabled
Next steps
Once the final mock-ups were complete, I presented them to the stakeholders and development team. Impressed with the designs, I created redlines and sent my designs to the development team to build and implement.